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 English thesaurus
AR [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. access rate; access request; alternate recovery; approximate reasoning; Aerodynamic Report; Account Review; Accounts Receivable; American Rivers; Apple River; Arkansas; Auto Regressive; annual return; Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad Company; Absorptive Region; Action Required; Active Rainfall; Add Rows; Addendum Report (ННатальЯ); Administration Report; Administrative Regulations; Administrative Request (message, LFAP); Admitting Room; Aerial Refuelling; Agent Report; air refuelling; Air Reserve; Another Rainbow; Anti Reflux; Antiwar Republican; Aperture Ratio (DVD); Apical Rate; appropriation request (Метран); Assistant Referee; Assisted Respiration; Atlantic Resolve (exercise name); Atlas Research; Attention Routine; Audio Rate; Augmented Reality; authorization renewal (ННатальЯ); Autistic Referee; Automatic Rejection; data as received (MichaelBurov); on an as received basis (MichaelBurov); action replay
abbr., account. audit risk
abbr., anim.husb. Advanced Registry; atrophic rhinitis
abbr., auto. automobile battery rubber (case); A/C relay; acid resistance; adhesive repair; air regulator; automobile battery rubber; automatic radio
abbr., automat. as rolled (после прокатки ssn)
abbr., avia. Air Registry (zeltser); accidental report; accountability record; Authorization Required (Natalya Rovina); accident rate; advisory route; aero repair; aeronautical requirement; aeronautical research; aggregate riveting; air resupply; airborne receiver; aircraft rating; airplane repair; anticollision radar; approved repairs; armed reconnaissance; army regulations; arrival report; audio reproducer; auto-land rollout; aviation radio navigation, land; Aerolineas Argentinas
abbr., biol. American College of Radiology; autosomal recessive inheritance
abbr., BrE Allowance Regulations; armoured regiment
abbr., busin. acknowledgement; airport; all rail; amplifier; argent; arrive; annual return (годовой отчет Yuriy83)
abbr., cartogr. airspace reservation
abbr., chem. Aqua Regia (Atenza)
abbr., chem., scient. Analytical Reagent; Argon
abbr., chem.nomencl. anhydrous ethanol (sciencedirect.com silver_glepha)
abbr., commer. acknowledgment of receipt; Acquisition Reform
abbr., comp. augmented reality (MichaelBurov); augmented reality technology (MichaelBurov); technology of AR (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. adaptive routing; automatic restoration
abbr., earth.sc. active radar; active ratio; alkali resistance; alkali rhyolite; allotment rule; Arctic; argillizites; association rule; Atlantic Ridge; average ranks; average rate
abbr., EBRD audit report; auditor's report
abbr., ed. Accelerated Reading
abbr., el. acid resistant; acquisition radar; absorption rate; accelerated rotation technique; achievable reliability; acrylic resin; action routine; add register; address range; address rank; alternate route; amplitude response; analog recorder; angle-resolved; annihilation radiation; antenna ratio; anti-radar; area ratio; Auger recombination
abbr., electr.eng. automatic reclosing
abbr., environ. Agricultural Residues
abbr., exhib. automatic replenishment
abbr., file.ext. Arithmetic Register; Associative Register
abbr., fin. arrival message / record
abbr., genet. androgen; autosomal recessive
abbr., immunol. antigen retrieval (восстановление антигена Палачах)
abbr., IT Address Register; Artificial Reality; address register
abbr., karate. antenna resistance
abbr., logist. as received (Ying)
abbr., med. Actinic Reticuloid (syndrome); Annual Reviews; aortic regurgitation (Vosoni); absent radius; age ratio; alarm reaction; Argyll Robertson (pupil); androgen receptor
abbr., media. Aspect Ratio; anti reflex
abbr., mil. Armor; Army Regulation; Army Reserve; Automatic Rifle; Anti-Radiation; Anti-Reflective; Attack Reporting; air routes; Army reserve
abbr., mil., air.def. anti-radar
abbr., mil., avia. acceleration resistance
abbr., mil., WMD assessment report
abbr., multimed. automatic reload
abbr., nucl.pow. absorbing rod (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. atmospheric residue
abbr., ocean. artificial reef
abbr., oil abrasion resistance; abrasion resistant; absolute retract; acceptance requirement; accident report; account receivable; advice of receipt; after rake; against risk; air receiver; air roller; amine ratio; analyzer recorder; anode reaction; apparent resistivity; applied research; appropriations request; approved for release; Arabian; argillite; aromatic ring; aromatics; assigned range; association register; asymmetrical ripple mark; attenuation reaction; audio response; automatic restart; autoregression; autorich (mixture); autorich mixture; average revenue; axle ratio; azimuth recorder; acid residue; as rolled
abbr., ophtalm. Automated refractrometry
abbr., pharm. analytical reference (makhno)
abbr., pharma. adverse reaction (Игорь_2006); analytical report (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Acid Reflux; Active Resistance; Anal Retentive; Artificial Respiration; At Risk
abbr., polit. Argentina
abbr., polym. acrylic rubber; analytical grade reagent; auto rich
abbr., post Account Representative
abbr., progr. access register (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. assembly and repair
abbr., scottish Acquisition Radar; Advance Release; Aerial / Air Refuelling; Repair Ship (USA); Argentina (NATO country code); Arkansas (US state)
abbr., soil. arenosol
abbr., space acceptance requirements; adjustable range; archiving and retrieval; Ariane; axial ratio
abbr., surg. anterior resection (Ying)
abbr., swiss. Appenzell Ausserrhoden (немецкоязычный полукантон на северо-востоке Швейцарии. Административный центр — город Херизау, высшие судебные органы расквартированы в городе Трогене. 'More)
abbr., tech. as-rolled
abbr., textile all risks
el. Aspect ratio
energ.ind. absorber rod; accelerator research; acid rain; alarm response; annual returns; as-received; attack rate
math. Autoregressive
mil. acceptance readiness; acceptance review; acid-resistant; acknowledgement of receipt; action register; action tight; actual range; advanced readiness; aerial reconnaissance; aeronautical radio; aeronautical requirements; age replacement; air raid; air reconnaissance; air refueling; air rescue; aircraft reliability; aircraft requirements; aircraft rocket; airman records; airman recruit; airship, rigid; allocated reserve; ammunition reserve; amphibian reconnaissance; annual report; annual review; antiradar; antireflection; armored reconnaissance; Army; Army regulation; arrival and return; artillery radar; automatic rifle; automatic rifleman; automatic rim
mil., abbr. assault rifle
tech. accumulator register; acoustic reflex; activity ratio; airport radar; amateur radio; amplitude ratio; analytical reagent grade; antireflective coating; area of resolution; aromatic; at-reactor; availability and reliability; avionics requirements
tradem. Angstrom
Игорь Миг, abbr., weap. assault rifle
Ar [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. areal; Archaeozoic age (MichaelBurov); Archaeozoic time (MichaelBurov); Archeozoic age (MichaelBurov); Archeozoic time (MichaelBurov); the Archaean (MichaelBurov); the Archaeozoic (MichaelBurov); the Archean (MichaelBurov); the Archeozoic (MichaelBurov); relative amplitude; aryl; total radiation area; Argon; Arabic; Archimedes number; argentum
abbr., earth.sc. abraum; Archaean group
abbr., met. arrest point on refroidissement (cooling)
abbr., oil aragonite; argentite; arroyo
energ.ind. as-mined fuel ash; riser cross-sectional area
geol. Archaean (MichaelBurov); Archaeozoic (MichaelBurov); Archaeozoic Eon (MichaelBurov); Archaeozoic Eonothem (MichaelBurov); Archean (MichaelBurov); Archeozoic (MichaelBurov); Archeozoic Eon (MichaelBurov); Archeozoic Eonothem (MichaelBurov)
mil., WMD Argon, an inert gas
ar [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. arrest; acid resisting; area; armament; arrival; as required
abbr., earth.sc. acid-resisting; arsenopyrite
abbr., econ. all-round (prices)
abbr., oil arrived
chem. analytical reagent
polym. at the rate of
Ar. abbr.
abbr. Arabia; area; Arabic
abbr., chem. aryl (radical)
abbr., earth.sc. Arabian
ar. abbr.
abbr. arrival
abbr., chem. aromatic
abbr., econ. all-round (prices)
AR ??
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